“If Mao Tsedong ever said that I think he was merely quoting Sun Tzu.”
You could be right, TigersEye. I never considered that ChiComm butcher Mao was a towering intellect nor a warrior.
My own view, which has nothing to do with anything, is that I could have taken that fat-ass pig Mao in a one-on-one sword fight and cut his commie head off.
I always enjoy talking with you, TigersEye. Semper fi, buddy.
No, I don’t think Mao was too bright either. Smart enough to paraphrase some historical greats is about it I think. Just a bamboozling thug IMO. Thanks for the compliment and the Semper Fi, sd. If there is one thing in life I should have done and didn’t it’s join the Marine Corps.