I’m just going to bask in the amazement that a false Palin story actually got corrected/retracted for once.
Amazing how many blatantly false stories about her that the media intentionally perpetuated, and refused to correct. I’m reminded of the time way back when she resigned her governorship, some of the notoriously vile anti-Palin psycho-bloggers started up the rumor that it was because of an imminent FBI indictment. CNN, MSNBC, and even FoxNews had their on-air anchors mention about “whispers of a federal indictment...” The FBI even had to come out with a denial of the story, an almost unprecedented action on their part. The media then NEVER mentioned the FBI’s denial, nor even brought the topic up again to retract it.
It’s that constant drumbeat of false narratives that adds up to blatant character assassination.
I really do think the immediate, humorous, and unrelenting mocking on Twitter forced WaPo's hand here.
“Its that constant drumbeat of false narratives that adds up to blatant character assassination”
it’s what liberals do best: demonize “the enemy” rather than debate policy. Since liberals usually lose on logic and rationality and facts they resort to caricature and demonization.