Maybe if patients took a little personal responsibility and actually KNEW a little about their medical problems and their medications this wouldn’t be a problem. No instead the Nanny State will need to protect us all again.
It's the same with the sugar industry covering up the effects of refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup etc. on the brain - they don't want people to know the truth.
My family didn't get the internet until 1998. When I look back on what I knew 15 years ago vs. what I know now, it's amazing. My son was diagnosed with Celiac disease ten years ago. I had never *heard* of such a thing as being allergic to wheat. NOBODY told me that Tylenol was bad for my liver. I didn't find out about that until the year 2000.
"Taking responsibility" for your medical condition simply wasn't possible before technology. Heck, when I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2000, the breakthroughs in the disease had JUST happened a couple of years ago and it was in the mid-90's that they recognized that it was a pre-diabetic condition.
Now, the situation is different and we have the ability to do our own research. But right now there's also a massive debate in the medical community on a variety of topics and you can find information contradicting a lot of recognized medical practices. My dr. has me on 1.3 grams of Tylenol a day. Her manual says that it's safe. I knew Tylenol was bad for my liver, but I didn't know HOW bad until today.