Isakoff on killing Americans with drones - plays John Brennan sound bite - only teakes actions to save lives. (???)
Katty Kay - BBC - we are turning large numbers in Pakistan, Yemen against us.
Gregory asks what are the limits of drone technology - could we use drones to capture and kill Dorner in California? (oh, go for it, obama)
Isakoff - obama has incentive to do this. The total number of Americans killed under obama is three - same as number of terrorists who were waterboarded. (what the heck is he implying????)
They are all morons on this issue, IMO. Don’t they realize there are plenty of people on the left (their audience), who actually are TOTALLY against this policy.
It's breathtaking to see that Gregory is really so stupid that he would say that. There are so many things wrong with that statement that it will have to go to the MRC for memorializing.