Regarding balancing “the people” with “the states”...
representatives were about 2 1/2 times in number as senators (65 vs 26)...
(now, that would translate to 250 representatives vs 50 senators...
currently, we have 435 vs 100 or about 4 1/2 times in number).
representatives were 1 per 30,000 in population
(now, that would translate to 10,000 members in the house of representatives...
currently, we have 1 representative per 690,000 in population).
Is it any wonder why our government has grown so corrupt? It is literally the many being RULED by a few. If the tables were turned and the government was constituted according to how our Founders idealized, we wouldn’t have half the problems we have now.
There’s no way to reform what’s in place now.