That dyke had been plugged!
What you do not want to do is to go for an interview or press conference with the enemy and debate any particular doctrine other than Christ crucified and risen ~ rejoice. Individual candidates from different faith backgrounds can figure out what works following that pattern. Most folks will buy the idea you are a good person if you adhere to your faith!
Your on pretty thin 450 y.o. ice about a 450 y.o distpute between the Catholic Church and the Christian Church since the Disciples of Christ as a religious sect only began in the first decade of the 1800s.
From Wikipedia: “ Most Disciple congregations practice believer’s baptism in the form of immersion, believing it to be the form used in the New Testament. The experiences of yielding to Christ in being buried with him in the waters of baptism and rising to a new life, have profound meaning for the church.[42]
For modern Disciples the one essential is the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and obedience to him in baptism.[43”
Now this is from Wikipedia, but I recall I had to do a full immersion if I wanted to join the Woodlawn Christian church to play basketball. Previous baptisms really didn’t count.
I guess it depends on how old you are when you think that its been a really really long time since there was divisions between religious sects between dunkin’ and sprinklin’. Lots of folks where I come from still think their way is the only true way and anyone who doesn’t is goin’ to hell—but things ARE lightening up over time.
My point is that religion is something where a candidate need only say “I have my faith and practice it, but it won’t affect my government service.” Most can get away with that, but if they go deeper into theology, it’s easy to get into the weeds real quick in politics.