Three Facts
Fact One:
1) Only the POTUS can authorize a CBA (cross border authority) command for a rescue mission in a foreign nation.
Plus Fact Two:
2) No rescue mission was attempted.
Equals Fact Three:
3) 0bama turned his back on 41 State Dept. and CIA employees refusing to issue a CBA command and went to bed so he could go to Las Vegas the next day.
Mark Levin was hot and heavy all over this tonight. He used slightly different terms, saying several times “Only the president can authorize a cross-border operation!”
Other phrases came straight from my column, a hat tip would be nice, but is not expected.
That was a great link you posted. Love that big font. I felt like screaming. I still do. At least Mark Levin is on it now.
That, and he knew that this was just the culmination of a choreographed hostage-taking he could use to justify the release of that "blind sheik" guy.
No need to stay up late for that.