Posted on 02/06/2013 7:11:20 PM PST by Nachum
Hundreds of people were fighting eachother on the streets of Athens during a food giveaway, prompting an outcry over the growing desperation created by economic crisis. Farmers protesting against government cuts gave away 50 tonnes of free vegetables and fruit in the Greek capital earlier today, causing chaos in the streets as impoverished and hungry people elbowed their way to the stalls. Startling images of Greeks struggling to seize bags of tomatoes and leeks thrown from a truck outside the Agriculture Ministry have sparked further debate about poverty in the debt-ridden nation. These images make me angry.
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That worked out well I guess, lol
Hardly surprising.
This out of Greece today. 5000 national socialists turned out in a show of force. This country is spiraling from new school autocracy into old school autocracy. We will soon follow, unless we change course. Let Greece serve as a warning.
America, WAKE UP to the reality of what happens when individuals/nations live beyond their means and encounter the day of (financial) reckoning!
(the day of SPIRITUAL reckoning is an altogether more SERIOUS matter.)
I would say this is a scene coming to America soon but it’s already happened here multiple times in food stamp offices across the country.
And so goes liberalism.
They can do nothing right.
( I do not blame the Greeks. They allowed themselves to believe idiots. We are only slightly behind them. )
Should have asked paul krugman. He would have shared the secret.
Print more money.
Absolutely correct. Three generations of deficit spending to maintain a faux lifestyle not only ends this way but has squandered the capital that makes the production of wealth and prosperity possible. All of southern Europe and even France will suffer prolonged misery. Germany will not subsidize them forever and will eventually pivot to the land and resource richness of Russia.
Just the other day someone posted something about a robust barter economy having developed in Greece.
When the commodity is free... with no expectation or mutually agreed upon contractual terms of how resources are to be exchanged... what you have is basic animal nature. The guy who punches out the most competitors gets the food... and gets to mate with more females or something like that. Hahahah!
You, ultimately, have to blame the Greeks for what they did to themselves. They all got very greedy, wanting cradle to grave security without work, it’s just not possible.
The inevitable collapse of socialism always surprises the true believers. But the effect soon wears off.
Pass out FREE Obama phones!
Coming soon to an American city near you .... or any of the rest of us ....
As Levin always says, the collapse of the civil society is an ugly thing.
Is someone going to stop these socialists?
Then get used to it....
‘Greeks With Sleek Physiques Seek Leeks’
They must not be spending enough money to buy them out of poverty..
When debt ridden........ spend more..
...”I would say this is a scene coming to America soon but its already happened here multiple times in food stamp offices across the country”...
YES! My husband works every Monday in a place that feeds the hungry. The numbers are consistent and growing. Thankfully, our small city has several places, most of them churches, where hungry people can go every day of the week to be fed. When the economy breaks down for real, the last bastion of the “rich” will reflect those who still have food. Widespread hunger will be the last gasp of civilization.
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