So many people smoke it now that there would be little difference in consumption. What it would do is suddenly allow a huge portion of the population to see themselves as “not criminals”.
I was furious with the 55 MPH speed limit when it was instigated because it suddenly made most drivers lawbreakers. It means there was a subtle change in the attitudes about the police and government. The same thing happens with pot. Heck, tax it like alcohol, and use some of the money for public service ads like the ones about wearing seatbelts before the government made THAT a law, making many normal Americans “criminals”.
BTW, a friend of mine is a second level manager for Microsoft. I was at a large party at his house once and couldn’t find him. I finally found him behind a bush with a couple of work mates sharing a bong. He said he was LITERALLY tryint to hide it from me.
You and I are both are mindful of the law of unintended consequences. We’re just focusing on different ones.
Hey at least the guy had some shame, even though he’s a scumbag for still doing it.
Shoulda reported him for testing. I would. Screw em. Let someone with some morals have that job.