I agree. From now on, any so-called conservative publications or websites that give Rove a platform should be discredited. This man is trying to pull a classic ‘post-Thatcher leftward shift’ on the American conservative movement. We will NOT move an inch to the left, Rove. Stick it. We’re going to annihilate the RINOS come 2014, and we don’t care how much you spend, the voters know the consequences of electing moderates against DemoRats. Beside, you had better focus on the senators you already have, because we’re coming after them too. Buy Lindsey Graham a lifeboat.
I give my money to the Senate Conservative fund formerly headed by Jim de Mint.
Guess Hannity will have to be discredited. He loves Rove and has him on all the time.
“I agree. From now on, any so-called conservative publications or websites that give Rove a platform should be discredited.”
He is one of the primary reasons that I haven’t watched Fox News since the election! Rove, O’Reilly and a hand full of others can all KMA!