“Did they know nominating a Pub slightly at odds neocons and the Isreal Lobby..”
You again. You just can’t keep from denigrating Israel. And you might learn how to spell it while you are at it.
And Hagel is not”slightly at odds” with people who care about Israel, he is anti-Israel, period.
How have I denigrated Israel, except not to pretend their borders are ours?
I don’t understand this hypersensitivity, whereby any criticism of Israel is being “anti-Israel.” It’s not as if Hagel wishes to invade Israel, or even stop being their ally. Surely the world, especially leftists, have held Israel to unfair and often hypocritical standards of conduct. But two wrongs don’t make a right, and you can’t correct that imbalance with your own equal and opposite bogus standards.
By the way, are you aware it’s possible to know how to spell something and nevertheless spell it incorrectly on occasion? Or shall I track your posts and demonstrate?