Caught a few minutes of him last night. He had a NYC official on and it was about gun control, as always.
Exchange went something like this:
Official: Well, the representatives in Congress have to do vote in line with the desires of their constituents.
King George: Well, there’s where I disagree. I think once a while our representatives ought to tell the People what they need to hear ....
So, according to King George Pierce, our leaders should be able to disregard the will of the People and decide what is best for them, then vote accordingly. Never mind bothering with representation.
The lying leftist media propaganda and the educational dumbing down of the public is their way of dealing with our representation.
The Congress passed Obama care when 65% of the population was opposed to it. They are not about to start listening to their constituents.
“IGNORENCE REVEALED”......the sequal, starring Piers Morgan.