But, as syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer has pointed out, the proposed amnesty would be immediate, whereas the proposed strengthening of our border would be much later; and if the latter were never accomplished adequately (as it probably would not be), there is simply no way that the citizenship that had been bestowed upon millions of illegals might be suddenly rescinded...
“that the citizenship that had been bestowed upon millions of illegals might be suddenly rescinded...”
That’s not what this is offering, FWIW. Citizenship would still take the 5 years after the green card, even if this were to pass tomorrow. This isn’t even an offer of a green card - it’s a provisional status. Registration with the government, payment of back taxes and a fine of an unspecified amount. Plus - getting to the back of the line wrt green card applications.
There are enough things wrong with the proposed bill as is. No enforcement mechanism is the biggest.