Bi-Partisan=Reublicans have sold us out.
Secret deals= Anything done in secret is so shameful it cannot be done in public.
With Boehner and McConnell in the leadership, and people like McCain ,Graham, and other selling us out, we don’t have much of a chance.
So many people in here say McCain was a POW and we must respect him for that.Well he has worn out my respect.
To me he is dirt.
I am still scratching my head on why this weeper is still leading the spineless GOP,
It’s time for the Republican Party to go the way of the Whigs.
Does Boehner really think that this will help the Republican Party win over Hispanic voters? The Democrat talking point will be: “we passed immigration reform over the objections of the Repuiblicans. If you vote for them, they will strip away the gains we’ve made.”
I think Boehner is WORSE than Obama. At least Obama lets us know whose side he’s on. Boehner is a Quisling.
In other words, these morons have effectively made their own party (and power) obsolete.
Let them sign the country’s death warrant. I absolutely refuse to take the part of any candidate who promotes this.
"The [immigration] bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It
will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the
standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose
their jobs."
- Ted Kennedy, 1965
"This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1 to 1.3 million illegal
aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again
bring forward another amnesty bill like this."
- Ted Kennedy, 1986
"Now it is time for action. 2007 is the year we must fix our broken
- Ted Kennedy, 2007
Senator Rubio Discusses Immigration Principles on “The Mark Levin Show”
January 23, 2013
It’s not over yet. Amnesty keeps popping its head...but we keep whacking it down. Let’s see what happens first.
Why again do we have a Congress? It seems everything these days are secret, small-group, back-room deals that are never debated in the light of day?
Where again is the leadership with the 3 day rule? Hell, this administration with the ‘most transparency ever’?
How about writing up what other laws I, as a Citizen, can get away, if only given a certain amount of time while still flaunting having broken said law? Do those that followed the law get some kind of dispensation for, like a dog, jumping through the legal hurdles?
Boy, I can’t wait until ‘14, when those current tight-lipped come back out of the woodwork screaming “We HAVE to vote for the GOPe selected, otherwise, it’s a vote for XYZ”
Everyone one the same pay scale to ensue,socialism page two.
Both partys can be portrayed as a single pyramid - ^
The higher up you go on the pyramid the more similar they become - until they are one...
WHY? What determine$ their $imilaritie$?