This libtard scum doesn't even know the history of the right to bear arms of his own country: In England, the right to keep and bear arms dates back to the laws of King Alfred the Great, whose reign began in A.D. 872, where all English citizens from the nobility to the peasants were obliged to privately purchase weapons and be available for military duty.The body of the Anglo-Saxon citizens were known as the "fyrd." This tradition continued after the Norman invasion through the Plantagenets and the Tudors and was in place when the American colonies were founded.Then the tradition was continued in the colonies.
Actually, not all peasants. This applied to all "free men." A very large percentage of the peasantry were serfs or slaves at this time. So the gamut ran from nobility to yeomen or franklins.
Actually, that was more or less the legal distinction between a free and unfree man. The freeman carried arms, while the unfree man was prohibited from doing so.