Women are only excluded from the draft according to the last federal court rulings, because they were prohibited from the cobat roles the draft was meant to fill.
A right for women to be in combat units means that women will have to register for the draft and will not be excluded.
This is utterly depraved. And i will make sure my daughter is not enslaved into a sodomite lead, moslem loving military. At any cost.
When they draft them, they will simply get pregnant to avoid deployment.
That is so true.
One other thing that will happen is once women are “passed” through their basic training and then sent to their units, the amount of harassment charges will sky rocket. They will think they are being picked on because of their sex, but the truth of the matter is that combat units pick on the newbies because they are newbies, period. Many newbies today (men) can’t hack the stress of being a newbie in a combat unit and are flushed out, but I bet the Army will bow to political correctness and allow the whinner-women stay and therefore lower the standard and combat effectiveness.
This experiment will destroy the military, especially if we ever have to face a real hardened military like North Korea or China. Those kinds of armies will gang rape the women before they torture or kill them. Like you said, I will not allow my daughter to get drafted into such an outfit, specifically if America continues to be run by socialist/mooselimbs.
“When they draft them, they will simply get pregnant to avoid deployment”
I would not put is past a US government lead by a Democrat administration to force pregnant soldiers to get abortions.