“BTW, I do not regard anyone who has aspirations of deity to be a good choice of leader. We may be in a fight with Obama for some years to come, but at least we didn’t pick a fight with God just to get rid of Obama. That would really be a losing proposition.
Now I understand where you are coming from. you hate Mormons for their beliefs in “eternal progression.”
No, you cannot know who or what I hate unless I tell you. You are not God, and cannot see my heart. In my heart, I believe Jesus when he said we should love even our enemies. The problem is, leftists (and it seems many Mormons and Mormon supporters even here), do not understand what love and hate are.
If I love someone, do I encourage them to do drugs, or stand blindfolded in the middle of a busy street, or vote Democratic? Of course not. I want them to live, and have a good, happy, prosperous life. Therefore, when I see them doing dangerous, self-destructive things, I have to choose whether to risk offending them in the short term, or “keep the peace” by letting them go ahead and destroy themselves. I dont think you really love somebody if you don’t have the courage to tell them they are going to get hurt if they keep doing something bad.
But if you view religion as not that important, just some random meaningless cafeteria of spiritual beliefs that has no inherent capacity to do either harm or good, then I could see how you’d think it was bad to make distinctions over what you consider meaningless things.
But these are not meaningless things. There really is a God in Heaven, and He will not give His glory to another, whether they dress it up in Gnostic sophistry (aka “eternal progression”), or hard, cold statism. O-Caesar is NOT God (though he might harbor that delusion), and neither is any other mortal (except of course for Jesus), nor will they ever become such over time and eternity, no matter what their religious leaders tell them.
To defy God on this point is to invite apocalyptic catastrophe, to bring real and everlasting harm to precious souls. Why would anyone who claims to love his brother and sister humans wish such evil upon them? That WOULD be hate, to remain silent as a soul slips off unchallenged into eternity in defiance of the Almighty. Love speaks the truth, even when it offends, even when it draws false accusations of being hateful, because love does whatever it has to, to bring redemption and healing to those who are loved.