That is Rush.
I think he decides what his theme will be then makes this stuff up to support it.
Before the 2012 election as far back as 2010 he wanted listeners to believe that Obama was toast, that he didn't care about it, that his base voters wouldnt turn out.
That allowed him to give advise (that wouldn't work) but sounded risk free because of the picture he painted.
So what about after the election?? its 180 degrees
His theme is :’We are screwed, the media is against us, the voters are moochers, the GOP can never win again.", the exact opposite.
So once again the GOP has nothing to lose.
When he said those things he was supporting some theme he wanted listeners to believe.
>”So what about after the election?? its 180 degrees”<
It’s true that Rush was taken aback by Obama’s second victory, and has been more negative lately (and justifiably so, in my opinion). His natural temperament will come to the fore, though, and I expect him to become optimistic again.