Maybe not exactly related, but I have a suspicion that Hollywood may not be too happy with some recent things from their stars. Jamie Foxx's joke about killing white people, Sammy Jackson's statement about voting for Obama because he is black, and Jessica Alba telling us that we should pledge allegiance to Obama. Of course, Hollywood may agree with these things, but it kind of doesn't want stars going around saying them. They still won't admit, but it does hurt the bottom line. I enjoyed the Avengers, but a sequel is on my list of movies not to watch because of the Obama supporting human debris who star in it. There have been several movies I have already passed on because of who is in it. We each make our choices for our own reasons. I can no longer pay money to see movies made by people who support the terror Obama is going to bring to us all. The few hours of entertainment value simply cannot counter the daily consciousness of what is going on in this nation.
Ditto here. Those who are donors, endorsers, party guests, media members or entertainers should not profit from us.
Their disdain of capitalism, the Constitution and our freedoms IS acceptable to the Occupy people, the work-hating/refusing entitlement crowd, the morally corrupt, the low-information people and the ignorant.
Not smart to alienate prospective "buyers" of a product you are trying to sell.
And frankly the only one with any actual talent is Penn.
Doesn't mean I'll pay to see his movies anymore.