Well, there’s an admission that California is keeping a database of ammunition buyers. Any surprise that gun rights groups would be adamantly against universal background checks being proposed by the Obama administration?
Exactly! When somebody murders another person with a hammer, they always leave out the nails. When they kill someone with a baseball bat, they always leave out the baseballs. We need to start tracking hammer and baseball bat owners by checking into who is buying nails and baseballs.
“Since 2008....”
“Some 154 felony convictions and 92 misdemeanor convictions have resulted so far.”
OK, have no problem with the 143 felony convictions. Felons are not allowed to own weapons. BUT, that is a really small number for a state like CA for a 4 year time span. And what were the 92 misdemeanor convictions? Somehow I am not impressed. And remember this is from Reuters. (anti gun bias)
There was a time when a man could go into any hardware store and buy four cartridges to go deer hunting. Then the 1968 Gun Control Act required record keeping of all ammo sold, so hardware stores began to require you to buy a full box.
You also could not buy handguns, rifles or shotguns across state lines.
Then in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan signed a new law that did away with the record keeping of ammo, and allowed you to buy rifles and shotguns only across state lines.
I can't tell for certain if the claim is that the thumbprint at purchase requirement has resulted in the 246 convictions. One suspects some Clintonian parsing here.
Years ago I used to reload bullets I dug out from an old military shooting range backstop. Many were still in good shape, only having rifling on them. Others were so damaged I melted them down and cast new bullets.
I still know where there are thousands of spent bullets in the ground. Then I also used lead lining from building insulation designed for noise suppression.
Then there is plumber’s lead and lead solder.
Anyone remember years ago (1990s) when the FEDs seized several train car loads on Ammunition because it was made in China and forbidden in the US?
We saw lots of news reels on the seized cars on the MSM to the joy of the news reporters.
Anyone remember what happened to those car loads of ammo?
They looked at the head stamp, and Uh ho, it was legal Russian ammo. They had to give it all back.
The herd in the Republic of California needs to be thinned. Apparently AIDS didn’t do its job on all the queers living there. The patriots in CA need to ban together and start fighting this evil.