I don’t know it’s pretty grainy. I saw a video yesterday i think where a cop was unloading shot shells from a shotgun in the trunk. He didn’t take any particular care, it looked like to me, as far a finger prints, evidence, whatever. Now I see this one and there are guys in Haz-mat suits looking like they are handling nuclear waste(and no i’m not saying they are actually handling nuclear waste i’m saying they are being careful. you know who you are) The cop in uniform looks like he gets something out and moves up screen to what would be the left of the car. Then the 2 hazmat guys pull 2 of something out of the trunk. The better look is to the second guy the one in back. That does not look like a shotgun. Actually I see a flash hider. But it is very grainy, dark and hard to see.
There are some decent pics here about half way down the page.