no, these asshats want the damage to occur. because that’s their excuse to justify themselves then. see, they were nuts, they wouldn’t turn them over.
good is evil, evil is good. they make the unconstitutional lawful, and the lawful, into criminals by their unconstitutional laws.
Indeed, just like with Ben Gahzi, they are trying to blame our free speech or guns for terrorist activities or their own this time.
We are in a state of war against a terror aparatus as the emotions of lunatic liberals and their vote seduction politicians are turning more knee jerk by the minute.
Interestingly the so called moderate in this country are also grabbing at some extremism straws of blame in order to justify the normalcy of relations they have with these obvious virtual pedophiles doing Barney songs against gun clingers in the White house, so to speak.
It’s all about kiddie seduction, folkes, and Obambie is good at it, trained since youth.