The GOP is not the answer to our problems
The only answer is freedom loving patriots.
I pray that America awakens to the real issue that we are facing, and that is that we are nearly totally destitute of any moral convictions and we are all too willing to sit back and complain until it touches us in some way. I am not pointing fingers at you, but myself, and realizing that we all do this. We talk a good talk, but we do little. Not anything sacrificial, anyway. That is what it is going to come to.
If you think Obama is going to let the Catholic church problem go away, you are deceived. He wants to so vilify them, then we who are protestant and Jewish, until the left becomes totally unhinged at the mention of anything being based on moral issues, then he can say that we are the real problem, that if we were taken care of (reeducated, institutionalized, etc.) America;s problems would all go away. There would be dancing in the streets for a while. (Until they realized that the criminal element was still among them!) We are going to come to this sooner or later. With the heated rhetoric as it is, it cannot be too long. Only a real revival in America would buy us a little time.