I think the Obama camp DOES know what they are stirring up. Just this morning I heard on FOX that Obama is talking about another Executive Order granting amnesty for all.
Obama knows there are very few Patriots in DC who have the guts to give up their cushy lives with their taxpayer funded retirements to put a stop on his Unconstitutional actions.
I believe this is pure intimidation and instigation. He is purposly pushing citizen’s backs against the wall with only one way out. If people take that way out he will unleash hell on the country via law enforcement and military.
Thing is, if you don’t take action, he wins hands down with very little sweat. He becomes dictator Obama.
Not encouraging, is it?
My grandfather once told me that it is never a good idea to put an animal’s back against the wall since the animal will use all its powers to defend itself and that all God’s creatures ares capable of tremendous ferocity under those circumstances.