Ben Shapiro is a new American hero. He stood straight and strong and made the case for inividual sovereignty under the Bill of Rights! Bravo Mr. Shapiro and Semper Fi! This limey fop, Piers Morgan, is a statist, a self-absorbed narcissist in search of higher ratings. The only criticism I offer is that WE MUST REJECT THE LANGUAGE OF THE LEFT! NEVER REFER TO THESE WEAPONS AS “ASSAULT RIFLES.” I have never assaulted anyone with my rifle. My rifle is a HOME DEFENSE RIFLE! To win the battle, we must command the high ground of language. Never again use the canard, “ASSAULT RIFLE.” It’s a trap. This is where we are defeated time again by the left. They assume the terms and we go along. I will never relinquish my HOME DEFENSE RIFLE, under my constitutional right to bear arms; under my Natural Right to defense of my Life and Property. Hey’s not up for debate!