Out of 5 kids I suppose my sister did pretty good to end up with only 1 daughter like that. My sister lived on welfare herself for a while but recognized it as a crutch and has worked the same job for a decade.
My sister’s kids have two fathers. Daddy number 1 is a worthless piece of trash but husband number 2 is there in the home. He isn’t perfect, working part time jobs on and off but he doesn’t use drugs or drink. Most important he is there and taking an active role in parenting.
One of the teenagers smashed a phone and computer keyboard in the midst of a tantrum recently. My sis and her husband refused to by a new one of either. (They actually did but keep them locked in their bedroom and tell they kids that they’ll have to go without) My niece ended up earning money to buy a new keyboard and now is looking at buying a phone.