My Mom’s parents had 15 children..
she was #8...
and no welfare, foodstamps, Obamacare etc...
someone paid for those kids...
oh yes it was the Dad Granddad..
and they all ended up as prosperous contributors...
and none in jail or on drugs or welfare Mom’s..
13 were married with children..
and all 50 children of our generation made it OK too..
Gosh how did that happen...
Screw you, tramp. Keep you damn legs closed!
You wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with if you’d kept your legs together, you dumb slut. (Yes, I know in the inner city they call them something else, to which I reply that hoes get paid for it.)
This “breeder” should have been neutralized after the 2nd one. No wonder our damn taxes are so high.
Maybe Oprah will give her a TV show.
We need to pass a law restricting the capacity of wombs...who NEEDS 10+ kids? just think how much SAFER the world would be if we restrict wombs to just 1 or 2....
Excuse my non-PC reply, but if flies could force bees to give their honey to feed their babyflies, you wouldn’t have any more bees or honey, just flies.
This creature claims her offspring “are a gift from God” - uh, like, as in immaculate conception?
If a gift from God, then prayer would be the logical solution, not the fruits of my labor taken at the point of a gun.
If the media wants to us to believe that someone (taxpayers, ultimately, of course) should help this woman and her kids, they are certainly welcome to take care of the kids themselves, feed and cloth them daily, invite them into their homes, etc.
I’m reminded of the Sam Kinnison routine years ago about the hypocrisy of the journalists documenting starving kids in the Sudan or wherever: “WFT! The cameraman is right there! Can’t he just give the kid a sandwich or something!”
Given what children facing true economic poverty and starvation look like, I’d say these kids have only been momentarily inconvenienced.
Reminded me of the uneasy feeling you get watching the movie Aliens, when you see all the eggs.
All yo chidrun ARE belong to us!
I don’t know why she is complaining about not having clothes. She must spend a good deal of her time nekkid anyway.
Spaying and neutering...a sure cure for this problem. Didn’t welfare reform cut off the number these sows could breed for taxpayers to feed?
The only thing uncommon about this story is the number of children. This is happening all over the country and every color is involved. Her attitude is fairly typical of the entitlement crowd.
We're swirling the drain folks.
Thought she is extreme at 15 kids, there are many, many more "breeder" woman of all colors with multiple (as in more than four) kids and multiple baby daddies sucking off our dime...
The only worthy thing about this whole mess is at least she didn't abort them...