I was taught the truth in school... I was taught the real American History... not this new left wing “global” revisionist propaganda that is taught in the public indoctrination industry today. My Dad started me shooting air guns when I was 4. I was shooting 5.56 when I turned 9. I was hunting with a .308 when I was 12. My favorite scent in the world... beyond that of a fine woman... is Hoppes #9. ;-)
I think I was 5 when I got my first BB gun, by the time I was 10 I had my Father’s Model 67 Winchester single shot, bolt action .22. Not the youth model but full size with the 27” barrel. I would hunt squirrels year round and we would eat them. I still have that rifle and it’s the most valuable firearm I own. I recently parted with a 552 Remington .22 semi-auto, I gave it to one of my sons. I suspect I’m older than you or the 5.56 is older than I thought. One of my favorite smells is burned gunpowder.