The penalty for not taking the test is usually worse than failing the least for the first offense.
If you can buy a decent DUI lawyer the best thing is to say and do nothing. Let them take you to jail. Be polite, even helpful, but say nothing.
When the D.A. sees that the video shows you not admitting to drinking and that you would not volunteer to any tests (any) then there is very little evidence to convict. Often, the D.A. will either reduce the charge or throw it out.
It will cost money, but less money than it would otherwise. A DUI is a big problem whether you’ve been drinking - or not (as was the case with my wife, no joke). Once the officer pulls you over and decides that you have been drinking and driving it’s time to just shut up and wait for the ride to the station - then call that lawyer.
“Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law.”
Now I have been trying to figure out why did this cop go to all this trouble to get this breathalyzer test? Did he have some ulterior motive? Your comments would be appreciated. I have not had a drink for fifty years and I have never used any kind of prescription or illegal drug either.