Well, I agree that Reid is an idiot, but not for the reasons stated. As a matter of fact, I would venture to say that Katrina, although a very horrible tragedy, was blown way out of proportion in order to destroy President Bush. During the obama administration, we have had tornadoes that have wiped out entire towns, and nothing was laid at oabama’s door. ANYTHING that could possibly have a deleterious effect on the Lyin’ King is fine with me.
Am I being a wee bit cynical?
Before anyone jumps on me for perhaps “Minimizing” Katrina, be it known that I was hit by Katrina, Rita, Wilma, and a Greek letter Storm that year, and suffered damages that eventually caused me the loss of my credit, my husband, and my home.
Well, yes, you are. After all you've lost, you would be within your rights to ramp that cynicism up much, much higher. My own cynicism would be off the chart if I had walked your path.
I pray that obama has a conversion away from the destructive ideologies he and the demonrats have turned loose upon us, but if not then let Proverbs 16:18 ("Pride Goeth Before Destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall") be his future.
On the other hand, perhaps obama is Proverbs 16:18 for us, the wayward lost people that we have so pridefully become?
Bush destroyed himself just fine -- no help needed from the media.
As for Katrina/Rita, if you weren't here, you need to take a lesson from those who were, and quit regurgitating scripted GOP talking points.