Wasnt this done before, a few times? Then how come O-care is still law?
RE: Wasnt this done before, a few times? Then how come O-care is still law?
DOA when it reached in the Harry Reid controlled Senate. This one will suffer the same fate ( we have LESS number of Republican Senators in 2013 compared to 2012 ).
Wasnt this done before, a few times? Then how come O-care is still law?
Political theater, Im afraid. Riders on other bills that defunds bits and pieces would probably be more effective. But you cant make a big deal out of a rider and claim Tea Party darling-hood.
ObamaCare is still law because there are enough Phony Cons who support ObamaCare....and many muti national corps. that support it
Note how none of the global corporations complain about the European and Canadian national health care systems