“He couldve been an American Churchill.”
To utter “Churchill” and “Gingrich” in the same article makes this a ridiculous article, with the quoted line being the utmost in hilarity.
Can someone explain to me why Churchill goes to war when the Nazis invade Poland but acquiesces to the Stalinist takeover of Poland in 1945? Is the explanation related to Churchill’s being defeated as prime minister in 1945? Socialists made their biggest gains in England against Churchill that year.
To utter Churchill and Gingrich in the same article makes this a ridiculous article, with the quoted line being the utmost in hilarity.
On the contrary...if you look deeply into the political history of Churchill, before WWII you will find a very very tarnished individual, not averred to cutting back door deals and sucking the rug out from under those with whom he disagreed. Even FDR fell under his spell.