Most Republicrats are NOT conservatives anymore. Rather they've morphed into 'moderates' (today's meaning: stands for nothing) and will vote whichever way the wind blows the money into their pockets.
I, personally, have grown to despise this evil government whose business is to wreck our nation, its economy and our personal lives.
By definition...anything “reported” on National Public Radio is propaganda. They are the MSNBC of the radio airwaves.
Want proof? Tune in at the top of any hour and listen to their “news”. Whatever is going’s women and minorities most affected.
Really...try it.
A scientific marvel. The only known instance of achieving complete vacuum within a human skull.
A scientific marvel. The only known instance of achieving complete vacuum within a human skull.
A scientific marvel. The only known instance of achieving complete vacuum within a human skull.
A scientific marvel. The only known instance of achieving complete vacuum within a human skull.
Like the idea of a smaller, Constitutional government? I have yet to meet a Conservative who has the same views as an anarchist. Not even Ron Paul wants "no government. I would love a government with finite and enumerated powers.
I hate to be unkind, but I have a nagging suspicion that Nancy is not always truthful. There, I said it.
Because these are all FAILED programs and need to be eliminated, Nancy.
This old, dried up , botoxed, hag, has totally lost her mind. The biggest problem is that she should be working on the Block in Baltimore with the rest of the old B-girls instead of on Capitol Hill;.
Most Democrats don’t believe in the Constitution...
She still can’t get over losing the colonies in the Revolutionary War.
What they fail to realize is WE ARE NOT YOUR HOBBY!!!!
We are , still a free people and we intend to stay that way.
From the idiot paid to represent the people of her district yet feels that the president should rule by decree.
Just another one of her PMS speeches.
Democratic Party is the party for the middle class.
Pure BS the Democratic Party is for the no class slackers who want to live off the gov tit.
We can see who Nancy's god is.
Left wing religious nuts.
What is the common denominator here? they are all democrats.
democrats want to make the government all powerful and at the same time take every one of our individual rights and freedom. Democrats want the government to own everything ( that's called socialism).Everything democrats do is to empower government and at the same time dis-empower the individual. the individual is small and already powerless and the government is so huge and powerful and idiot democrats think the government needs to be made bigger and more powerful. wtf is wrong with these idiots?
When will we realize that the threat to our freedom and survival is the democrat party?
The only happiness I get is when I know these goons I named will one day meet the fate Chavez has
Satan has a stronghold on this woman, that is very clear.
Damn right, they don't. Our Founders didn't either. That's why they wrote a Constitution to limit the powers of government.
Nasty Pelosi is a small minded, fascist petty tyrant with delusions of godhood.
Nasty Pelosi doesn't 'believe in government'.
Nasty Pelosi worships government.
Wishing there were hundreds of them and even some demorats.
There, fixed it.