What about the FACT that those FPS videogames function as MASS-MURDER TRAINING, simulator, rewiring the brain to over-come our native resistance to kill our own species?
#1 I suggest you BAN yourself from FPS shooter games and stick to your sissy easy-bake-oven and leave everyone else alone. Or if you must feel the need to control something....go buy a few "choose your own adventure books" so you can preview the outcomes
#2 When you state something as "FACT" saying it doesn't make it so. Cain didn't kill Abel because he played a FPS game.....he did it out of jealousy and his own personal interest. So much for native resistance to killing our own species since that's how it was in the beginning after The Fall of the human race.....I guess that's also why war is a relatively new thing only invented in the 70s......oh wait.
#3 If you favor banning FPS games - How do I fit into your equation? I've killed actual people and I'm not a big fan of video games or television. I mean you want to ban an object because it may make people think about killing. I've already actually done killing and could care less about your stupid video games. What would you have in store for me with your knee jerk reactions?
” Cain didn’t kill Abel because he played a FPS game.....he did it out of jealousy and his own personal interest. So much for native resistance to killing our own species since that’s how it was in the beginning after The Fall of the human race....”
Yes, as the old rabbis are saying, Cain was the ‘son of wrath,’; they think he’s the son of satan, a precursor to Masteman (who will then become allah).
There is evil in this world, and it certainly not an effect of FPS shooting.
It’s not about war either; there are JUST wars (such as the Crusades), and evil armies need to be exterminated (such as the armies of allah).
But the point of Grossman ain’t about evil nor war. It’s about training kids to become (potential) killers without any discipline.
He says those training is used my islamic militias and gang members, among many other people.
“I mean you want to ban an object because it may make people think about killing. I’ve already actually done killing and could care less about your stupid video games. What would you have in store for me with your knee jerk reactions? “
It’s not about THINKING about killing. Calm down and re-read the head-thread: it’s about BEHAVIORAL CONDITIONNING:
The problem is not about killing; killing is perfectly fined in many situations (war, self-defense, etc).
The critics of Grossman is that FPS videogames provide a training without disciplines. And worst: it associates killing with pleasure and reward, without the context of an actual war or self-defense.