“I was not making comment on Sarah. With all of our enemies that wish us dead... we really do not need to make enemies amongst those who will fight tyranny beside us. That is all that I was trying to say. Re-fighting the election has no value... we are now fighting for the survival of any semblance of our once great republic.”
A mere semblance of a republic is perhaps enough to ensure that Julius Caesar’s illusion of a republic to keep the people seduced as their republic is transformed into an empire. But a mere semblance is no where near enough to preserve a real Republic.
A real Republic has limits, what we have now is halfhearted opposition in the rule a boundless Federal government. AKA mob rule. Hardly more fertile a ground for a Caesar to take over.
You see LibLieSlayer if we keep going as we are, there wont be an effective fight against tyranny at all. That republic we all seek to see preserved will fade into history with most people never realizing its gone until nobody that can cares to restore it.
If it comes down to that... I already have my plan. I pray it NEVER gets to that point... but to stop me from trying to save this once great Republic... they must kill me. I’ll be in good company and I will die with my boots on. Remember Patrick Henry.