Your combination of ignorance and downright thickheadedness is utterly breathtaking. You’ve consistently fail to comprehend simple English. Repeating the same incorrect points gains you nothing.
My earlier points stand, I’m done wasting my time here.
Good luck in life, you’ll need it.
How typical of you, as you have entered this thread, so shall you exit it.
You have proven that YOU don’t understand simple English.
You entered this thread with insults.
You lied, got caught, and didn’t like being caught.
What to do?
And you never once really addressed any points made to you.
Why is that?
Is it because, oh gosh, you CAN’T?
Could it really be that simple?
You pretend to be so intellectual and smart, but cannot address simple points made to you?
Not without claiming socialistic BS is capatalism [post 39 and otehrs folks!] or proving that Elon Musk is a parasite by praising his prowess at getting taxpayer money [post 39 yet again] and by repeatedly stating how much more than 465 million he is worth?
Which goes to prove my point that he didn’t need teh money to begin with?
Is it truly that simple, that you cannot address any of it without lies or insults?
The fact is, yes.
It is that simple.