Reality checks. While Boehner has no personality and terrible pr skills, he didn’t agree to anything acceptable to Obama.
And, is there, was there ever really any Obama statement planned today? I see no reference.
without PR skills it really does not matter what he did ot did not agree to with Obama now does it. The PR skills of the opposition and the MSM (and they have them) will pin everything from Hurricane Sandy to the school mass murders and the economy to the REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED CONGRESS and yes I know they do not control the Senate but because of the lack of PR skills of Mr. Speaker the American people have been convinced that the republicans do control everything except the White House and poor President Obama just cannot get any of his plans that will rescue America from the evil republicasns passed because the democrats just cannot do anything with the republicans stopping everything with their majority so until the democrats control the House, nothing in this country will get better.
That's what poor PR skills get you and there's no room for poor PR skills in the office of the Speaker of the House.
Sorry, all you John Boehner apologists, John Boehner needed to go long ago. There's a stack on his desk of illegal actions that pResident Obama has taken from by-passing Congress to bypassing the US Constitution and NOTHING, not a peep from John Boehner or his House.
How's that for a REALITY CHECK?