BINGO!! The only thing I do know it the MSM prints an article for their agenda. This one is for the gov't and school being 'her savior' and her parents are wrong. And when away from her parents she finally saw the light and the courts and school rescued her!
I say whatever experience we had, is how much of this article is true or not - to that individual. We may see some truth, some lies or agree/disagree with it all.
From what I experienced and is truly missing from this article is any kind of appreciation from this girl for her parents. My daughter was so appreciative, her first job she set out to buy us a cruise. She said she thought about it for years - and couldn't wait till it could fulfill her dream. She could have used her money for herself first in so many ways but she not only didn't, the thought never entered her mind. And that's my experience - so that's what I'm seeing is missing from this article.
This girl saying her parents came 600 miles unannounced - maybe she didn't answer her calls or emails with her 'wanting to be free' spirit. With them speaking with a professor - maybe it's one they learned from their daughter 'sounds' stable and they can trust to mention they are concerned about her in one way or another - maybe because she didn't answer their calls? It could be anything. The article and the girl made it sounds like it's being an 'over bearing' parent to do that or proof that they are overbearing. The gov't would like nothing more for the parents to butt out - a great way for them to control the students. IMO, that's one intent of this article.
Saying she's an A student - makes it to appear she's smart enough to know the right thing and capable to live her life as she sees fit. The way I see it - she traded one control over the other. She used the courts to control her parents and the school to be 'her parents' financially. It is so suspect she did this in her last year. I say she's a drama queen - her chosen career path where she expected to get an A and the courts and school gave her an A while she slapped in parents in the face with her desire to control them.
IMO, it is all deception because I know the media's intent, the courts intent, schools intent - and it's all in this article.
This is not to say there are not parents who do control. We know that to be true. And there are children who control their parents. She could have waited another year and thanked her parents and made the best of what she was already given - with landing a job no matter how lowly and live according to it with NO handouts. No new cloths, no nice place to live, no conveniences - to the bare bone and then climb the ladder to success. It will take years. She's been somewhat privileged her life - and from what I can see - unappreciative. I doubt she would accept a lowly job and deny herself anything, after all, she's an A student and the one who gets the 'parts' in school and the one who wins in court. She's special - and that is her belief.
I see a hard fall coming - it may be in 20 or 30 years - when there is no cushion to fall back on - parent or school. And worse yet - there is no one to show her the errors of her ways - they are only pointing to her parents and how wrong they are - reaffirming the drama 'A' queen she is right. She is being controlled more by others now - who basically don't give a flip about her - only, now, they care and for their own agenda.
Again, if she waited another year - her intentions 'to do it on her own' would have been sincere. She is the one who signed up for classes with no money but with the expectation of her parents paying. If she didn't sign up, there would be nothing for her willing parents to pay for - or what she calls them 'controlling'. She bought earrings with no job - will the school provide a new pair? She's an A student who is as dumb as rocks - who couldn't break away on her own - she chose the court and school to do it for her. So she learned nothing on her own through true grit!
We all need to break away from some things in order to grow and it is never never easy because we have to battle all that junk inside of us while being around others and media who may say they have a better way.
If we don't came out with scars to counter attack the original scars, we didn't fight the battle to be free. This girl doesn't have what it takes to fight the battle - she took it to the courts and school instead. She, merely, postponed it. She won't be free until she does it on her own. And that means what she perceives as being true and what is true.
Like you said, we will never know the truth - saint or sinner - because we know propaganda is to instill in the mind what they want instilled for their own agenda. And people are definitely swayed by it no matter what they say, they even repeat the verbiage the media uses while denying the media. It's so subtle they can't see it. That's how deception works.
I am refusing more and more to take in what's coming from the 'outside' - right down to what people think. In '08 I saw how many are deceived and later some admitted they had been deceived. In '12 I saw even more being deceived while they denied it at the time - and who later admitted they were. So deception is rampant - those who are and those who can be - in spite of, at the time, what they valued to be true to them.
Great post #89