the cool part of this after thought butt savin trick is.............they admit the magazine was REAL......hehehehehe
Since Sandy Berger destroyed federally protected records,
if not before, the ‘green light’ is on for corruption
and violation of any law when the DNC wants it.
Any law and destruction of any federal record.
The same ATF that dreamed up the Fast & Furious gun running operation?
This is a pretty clear example of media arrogance.
There is no question that Gregory could have waived around a picture of a high-capacity gun magazine or shown a video of one and he would have had no problems whatsoever. But he wanted a prop and decided that laws (even laws he supports) only apply to the little people and not to the intelligentsia class in the MSM.
That excerpt does not say NBC got permission from ATF. It says they got permission from MPD. Your title is 180 degrees out of phase with the excerpt.
Considering that there’s no federal ban on 30 round magazines, but there is a local law, getting permission (?) from the Feds only means the Feds won’t prosecute you for a law that doesn’t exist. It doesn’t mean local law can’t prosecute you for a law that does.
I’m not a lawyer or anything, but anyone with a passing familiarity of American law should realize this. It’s like Washington state legalizing marijuana. That’s fine for the local choom gang to know the state law enforcement will leave them alone, but the DEA can still arrest their asses.
Name. We need a name. Who gave permission to break the law without consequence? Who's going to lose his/her job because of this?
(Does that mean if I say I was given permission to rob a bank I'm off the hook?)
This sounds to me like a "You keep covering my back and I'll cover yours" from someone in the democrat party.
Go ahead. Prove me wrong. What other type of lawbreaker would get a pass from the ATF for no reason?
Sounds like opinion shopping.
Under the DC gun laws, simple possession can be prosecuted as a felony.
So, go get him, DC police!
Meet the Press Liars..
lets see it in writing...and question authority, who has the authority to give permission to break a law, the police or prosecutor? immunity? to whom? what permission did they give? did the MPD or ATF provide the magazine? plot thickens
William Newell.
Ah. So fast and furious is gunrunning to DC?
And they still have the gall to refer to the ole US as a democracy. Next thing you know they will be publishing the physcial addresses of known gun owners. /sarc
If Gregory could get hold of an illegal piece of equipment, what's to stop a criminal if they pass more laws?
I think it's great we have a member of MSM proving this point on behalf of the NRA.
Ignorance of the law is no defense.
When you belong to the arm of the democrat party and the socialists propoganda regime you get a pass on this kinda stuff.
Not one damn thing will happen. NOTHING.
This story is absurd. The DCPD doesn’t need permission from the ATF to enforce or not enforce local DC laws and the ATF doesn’t have the authority to tell the DCPD how or whether to enforce local DC laws. This is nothing more than a cooked up excuse to let everyone, Gregory (punk) and the DCPD, off the hook.
My take on this stupid controversy is that MTP has been losing viewers and it is nothing more than a device to attract attention to their program.