I don't think a confiscatory bill would pass. I think a '94-style AWB would pass easily in the Senate and I don't think the reprisals would be nearly as damaging to the Democrats today as they were 18 years ago. Sad truth is, outside of the white male demographic, there isn't much love in America for "assault" rifles and high-cap magazines and demographic changes haven't exactly been in our favor.
It would be up to the House to stop this and I think the chances are much better there. This would require House Republicans to find some fortitude though.
This being said, the Democrats will take some losses in the Senate over this. Maybe not enough to lose their majority but they'll at least lose some seats. So Senate Dems need to ask themselves which ones among them will be the sacrificial lambs willing to throw away their careers so that Dianne Feinstein can have an assault weapons ban because it sure as hell won't be Feinstein herself with her ass on the chopping block.
What makes anyone think that The Messiah is going to bother with trying to get a bill passed. Have you not observed is methods to get what he wants?