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Piers Morgan Calls Pro-Gun Advocate 'Unbelievably Stupid,' 'Dangerous': 'You Shame Your Country'
Newsbusters ^
| 19 Dec 2012
| Noel Sheppard
Posted on 12/20/2012 4:05:58 AM PST by Rummyfan
CNN's Piers Morgan has been on a rabid anti-gun rant since July's Aurora, Colorado, shootings that has gotten even more venomous after Friday's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.
On Tuesday, he rudely and disgracefully tore into guest Larry Pratt, the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, calling him "an unbelievably stupid man" who's "dangerous," concluding the interview by saying, "You shame your country" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: banglist; guncontrol; piersmorgan; secondamendment; thedailymail; twitbrit; unitedkingdom
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To: Spktyr
posted on
12/20/2012 5:16:22 AM PST
(Looting the future to bribe the present)
To: Rummyfan
We need not listen to anybody British on the issue of guns. Remember that the reason the British were marching to Concord was to sieze the store of arms there. They wanted to disarm the populace and thereby quell any resistance to their growing tyranny. We dared defend our liberty with arms.
To: Bulwyf
me too - love it - no commercials - multiple episodes and 7.95/mos - havent had cable in 2 yrs = $1250 bucks saved.........the cost of a new AR
To: WilliamofCarmichael
With a name like Piers and a look like that, try and convince me he doesn't love a guy with a long gun.
You owe me a new gaydar.
That picture left mine a smoking heap.
posted on
12/20/2012 5:33:02 AM PST
IMR 4350
To: Orangedog
I threw all television sets out of the house several years ago. I wish all my fellow FReepers would do likewise. The new world view absent filtration by talking heads, and the prism of Hollywood is nothing short of phenomenal. Whenever I now catch glimpses of the culture while viewing in waiting rooms or other people's homes, it's like watching a freak show of shrieking heads, infantile behaviour, and silly the way, is there a grown man left in America who knows how to properly use a razor? I mean, come on, either grow a beard or shave. Make up your mind. That perpetual three days growth look is so five minutes ago.
posted on
12/20/2012 5:33:33 AM PST
To: Rummyfan
That piece of crap ran out of his own country and dares to come to ours and critisize us? Someone needs to frog march him to the nearest plane and return him to the UK (although I’m sure they don’t want him either)
To: Rummyfan
Piers is going to have to be confined in a nice, safe place when this gun grab ultimately fails then.
To: Rummyfan
Duh, I say ol’ Piers, the reason we got rid of you Brits in the 1700’s is that OUR Founding Fathers had the good sense to ‘arm to harm’ any OPPRESSIVE Government.
BTW Piers, there are daily one-way flights back to cesspool London every day now - - - .
posted on
12/20/2012 6:26:45 AM PST
((Traitor John Roberts' Communal Obama"care" violates Anti-Trust Laws, AND the U.S. Constitution.))
To: Rummyfan
typical British nancyboy.
posted on
12/20/2012 6:35:00 AM PST
(Liberals are bloodsucking ticks. We need to light the matchstick to burn them off.)
To: Rummyfan
Everyone should read this gem by Karl Denninger on the subject of Obama (and many others) being complete hypocrites on the gun ssue:
Please also pass it on to other threads and your email lists. This kind of brutal logic MUST become part of the “national conversation on guns” that the gun-ban crowd wants to have.
posted on
12/20/2012 6:44:16 AM PST
(Banning guns to prevent crime is like banning cars to prevent drunk driving.)
To: Rummyfan
...calling him "an unbelievably stupid man" who's "dangerous,"...Because the left can not refute arguments made by the conservative side, they can only resort to name calling and ad hominem attacks.
posted on
12/20/2012 6:45:50 AM PST
( Reporting live from the far North)
To: LibLieSlayer
I hope that one day I am able to ram my fist down his limey throat, I will enjoy the encounter.
There, fixed it.
To: Rummyfan
Ants had the answer: "Tie him to a car, and drag 'im."
posted on
12/20/2012 7:07:40 AM PST
(Take scalps. Leave the bodies as a warning.)
To: Rummyfan
We are Peirs for we are many....
Maybe Piers and Pratt could settle this at Lexington Green.
posted on
12/20/2012 7:48:10 AM PST
(I lie, I cheat, I steal, I communize, I sacrifice unborn babies, I'm Harry Reid and I'm a mormon)
To: Resolute Conservative
I hope that we both run into him at the same time!
posted on
12/20/2012 7:50:02 AM PST
(A child is born in Bethlehem KING of KINGS)
To: Rummyfan
Just joined GOA. They seem feistier than the NRA. $20/year, if anyone is interested.
posted on
12/20/2012 8:23:29 AM PST
Mr Rogers
(America is becoming California, and California is becoming Detroit. Detroit is already hell.)
To: Mr Rogers
I’m am member also, along with JPFO.
posted on
12/20/2012 8:42:25 AM PST
(I lie, I cheat, I steal, I communize, I sacrifice unborn babies, I'm Harry Reid and I'm a mormon)
To: Rummyfan
Queers usually are afraid of guns, so what would we expect?
posted on
12/20/2012 8:58:34 AM PST
(Excise the cancer before it kills us; feed &water the Tree of Liberty! TERM LIMITS, NOW & FOREVER!)
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