Worth listening to!
Maybe a couple of times!
Piers Morgan should take a LONG walk of of a short one.
A Brit wanting strict gun control in America? Who could possibly be surprised by this.
PIERS MORGAN, HOST: The AR-15, as we've now seen from the last three mass shootings in America, Aurora, the shopping mall in Oregon, and now at Sandy Hook school, is the preferred choice of weapon for disturbed young men who want to commit mass atrocity, can fire hundreds of bullets at rapid speed, if you have the right magazines.
LARRY PRATT, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, GUN OWNERS OF AMERICA: You are such a faggoty gun-grabbing asshat.
PIERS MORGAN: The president of the United States has indicated he wants to ban assault weapons like this. What is your view?
PRATT: My view is they should deport your Bill-of-Rights-hating faggoty gungrabbing ass.
MORGAN: You're talking complete and utter -- you are talking complete and utter nonsense.
PRATT: Faggotty-ass-hat guin grabbing moron. Die. No seriously, die.
MORGAN: What you've just said, Mr. Pratt, was an absolute lie. The gun murder rate in countries like Britain or Germany or Australia, we've all suffered massacres many years ago, similar nature, have -- there are 35 people killed a year. Your country has 12,000.
PRATT: You faggoty asshat gun grabber. Why do you hate America?
MORGAN: Lower? It's 75 against 12,000 in Australia.
PRATT: You couldn't be happy with your faggoty asshat destruction of Britain so you had to come here with your faggoty asshat gungrabbing?
MORGAN: They had a massacre. And they got rid of the assault weapons.
Hey Piers, do you have any ARMED security personnel with you during the day or night? Would you feel any different if they were armed with spitballs rather than a gun?
If it were up to me morgan... you would NO LONGER BE AN AMERICAN CITIZEN!
This idiot’s country gave us George III, which gave his country “the colonies” and their independence. Guns made it so.
Good thing nobody watches CNN, so nobody heard what this hypocrite (phone hacking, anyone?) had to say.