Agree with your comments. Also applies to the glib comments about “if only the others had a gun”. Yes, but please stop falling all over ourselves to hammer on these points. It just ends up seeming silly, as much as liberals’ knee-jerk “see guns must be banned”.
So you are in favor of the teachers rushing the gunman unarmed? Since I am on the emergency team in a gun-free company I was taught that I had the "option" of rushing the gunman or locking myself in my office like everyone else. But I am partial to option 3.
It's not silly to wish for the one thing that could have stopped the carnage and that is often blocked by the same idiots wishing for a thing that can never possibly be (like pie in the sky).
I think we should speak it live it and be beating everyone over the head with it 24/7/365. They're gnna’come for the guns now-and NOT legally. Himself is probably ginning up his “orders” now.