I think the responsible thing to say we do not know.
Speculation on the Internet is not fact.
I’d rather wait to find out the truth—or—we may never know. If the later is the case, then we honestly will never know, and all else will always be but a guess.
I don’t understand why folks are so confused about this. Evil, even in the heart of men, is real. We live in a dangerous world. Take heed!
This is from the Gateway Pundit link,very revealing worth the read.
Deinstitutioanlization led to many legal and structural changes. American public mental hospital patients declined from more than 550,000 in 1955 to fewer than 40,000 at present. The displaced patients now represent 30-50% of the homeless populations.
As a result of Laing, Kennedy, Kesey and public efforts to transform the mental health care system to be more humane, to characterize mentally ill people as Just thinking differently, and characterizing mental health care as some form of evil, we now have a system that makes it virtually impossible to get folks like Loughner the care they need.
Deinstitutionalization policies driven by do good liberals and the federal government put focus on limited bad acts. Kesey wrote a story based on his LSD induced observations in one VA mental hospital. Once his story was put into film, his small example falsely characterized the bulk of mental health care as dehumanizing and made it impossible to force the Laughners of the world to get treatment.
I think we are all waiting for the hard facts to come out. That is part of being conservative.