But it was so striking: The moaning and rending of shirts about these children, when MORE WERE KILLED THAT VERY DAY AT "PLANNED" PARENTHOOD.
It just had to be said, and as harshly as possible.
I couldn’t agree more. If they were truly “for the children,” then abortion medical instruments would be the topic of their banning rhetoric, but thousands of the most innocent among us die every single day in this country alone, and there is nary a peep from the “for the children” crowd of gun grabbers and banners.
The only reason that they have conniption fits over these mass shootings is for disarming the population of our country. They have failed at that task before and will fail again. There are too many people with guns here, one behind “every blade of grass,” as Hirohito said.
There should be only two gun laws, and every last one of the rest of the unconstitutional gun laws in our country should be repealed.
1. No crazies
2. No felons
3. ??? What part of “only two” didn’t you understand?