I do and I am. I live this every day. My sons issues were a contributing factor in my divorce...maybe the biggest factor. It is NOT always a parenting issue that causes things like this. Nature is just as big a contributor as nurture in the case of severe mental illness. How do I know? I have six other children that do not have the issues my son does, yet they were raised in exactly the same circumstances he has been. And no you can not spank a mentally ill child into a cure. Some people here villify mothers that ‘keep’ a dangerous child with siblings. I have placed my son in mental institutions SIX times. I have called police/sheriff when he becomes violent. He has been medicated and counciled. He has been punished and reasoned with. I have been investigated by child welfare and they have threatened to take mo other six but refuse to place the one that needs help. How exactly is this the parents fault when there is no help to be had until after there is a tragedy? Then the tragedy is blamed on the parent! Try living it before you judge us!
God bless.