Wow, you must have interesting family get-togethers like I do with my lib tard in-laws from RI and NJ..
They are pro-union living in RI with the highest unemployment in the country..
Some are gay so it’s the “gay way” or the highway...
Some were small-business people but bailed out of RI to move to state income tax.
I never bring up politics but they always pick a fight with me so it’s usually ON...not pleasant.
To quote one bro-in-law, “the whites have f**ked up the country, now it’s the blacks turn...”. He is now trying to get Social Security in NH though he’s never paid into it...
“...interesting family get togethers...”
I try to keep my distance LOL!!
What really annnoys me is that they are originally from solid blue collar Buffalo and now have put on the total snobby New England liberal act - also they are daily mass goers and feel very smug about their piety - and yet vote for the “let’s fund abortion with tax payer dollars” democrats.
I try to attend to the “plank in my own eye” first, but sometimes it’s soo egregious!!
Clearly I need to vent - I try not to go to their get togethers because I get too frustrated.