Let’s put into a real prospective. You walk around during a seven day period, and there’s likely six people that you bump into...who have a mental issue of some sort or a drug issue...and they are a potential threat to your life. The only reason you are alive at the end of seven days? Luck.
We rely on luck and meds...to survive each week. If you had laid this out to Americans in 1940...they would have fired political figures quickly and put the guys who are a threat into a state mental hospital. End of the story. My dad recounted how it simply took five folks in the 1930s to sign a petition and a county judge could put you into a state institute. It was a fairly simple task and you didn’t worry about some idiot coming to kill you or your friends.
There are probably a dozen who are carrying guns, too.
Be polite.
Be courteous.
Be professional.
Be prepared to kill anyone you meet.