Some people who have Asberger’s develop schizophrenia. It is suspected that Einstein had Asberger’s and that is one reason he was so obsessed with math and physics. Many people with the disorder have absolutely amazing abilities like the guy in England who recited Pi to 5000 decimal points without a single mistake. That same man learned Icelandic in 24 hours. Enough to go on television and do a whole interview in the language. Einstein’s son Eduard was a schizophrenic. It is heritable. At least that is what I have read. It might be that the shooter wasn’t evil but that he was just not in touch with reality. It is a shame that he wasn’t locked up in a mental ward.
I have asperger's syndrome. That is absolutely NO excuse for what he did. He should have had a more black and white understanding of right and wrong that NT (neurotypical) people.
I remember hearing that Asperger's, schizpphrenia, and bipolar disorder were all on the same gene sequence.
you post: “It might be that the shooter wasnt evil but that he was just not in touch with reality. It is a shame that he wasnt locked up in a mental ward.”
He couldn’t have been, not without HIS permission. Thanks to who? The beginning of the program towards gun contorl - see beleow.
MENTAL ILLNESS WAS THE WEAPON - as i was in allmost 100% of these mass shooitings: Mental illness and prescription drugs with proven, tragic side effects. (No committment and drugs: 2-prong Deliberarely Priming the mentally ill for violence?)
the GUN_CONTROL PATROL - from the Pres. on down - hit the airwaves while those little bodies in Connecticut were still in the school!(Never let a crisis go to waste on steroids)
using the horrific deaths of these little ones for their own agenda. Inhuman.
How about MENTAL HEALTH control? These tragedies started after the mental health hospitals closed and put the mentally sick loose on the public - and treatment of choice is Prozac, etc, - these shooters have almost 100% been on Prozac and related drugs, which have a PROVEN side effect of suicide and violence.!
Yet none of these sleazy politicians - or the media - mention we need more control and treatment over the mentally ill - and who triggered turning the mentally ill loose on the public? Pres. Jimmy Carter. - which is another reason it’s never mentioned. If these mental cases can’t get a gun, they use other means - like pipe bombs... It’s not the guns. I remember when the mental hospitals were closed - and mentally sick couldn’t be committed without THEIR permission! That’s like saying the drunk driver can’t be arrested without their permission.
post this link everywhere and anywhere you can - There are not many people today who know or remember why the mentally ill not only don’t get the treatment THEY need, but who explode with such violence on the Innocent.