Oh, I am well aware that the tedious point you were so proudly droning on about is that human slaughter has been happening for a long time-—gee look at the big brain on you!
My irritation is that even someone as unoriginal as yourself ought to take a little care (or maybe spend more than a little time reading) before mouthing stupid platitudes about whites slaughtering Indians, or whites committing genocide on Indians, and all the rest of that tired Hollywood claptrap.
(A better question would be whether knuckleheads like you were running around making such claims before the invention of Hollywood movies...now there is a topic for your next ‘History of Evil Whiteys 504’ class paper...)
I don’t think you know anything about the history of indigenous people on this continent, nor anything about their widely differing cultures, nor any actual indigenous people, for that matter.
That’s why you p!$$ed me off.